About the Journal
Aims & Scope
Pure and Applicable Analysis is a peer-reviewed, international and open access journal that publishes original research papers on all aspects of pure and applicable analysis.
Publication Frequency
One volume per year with CAP model.
We are using "Continuous Article Publication (CAP)" model. Instead of consecutive pagination of articles throughout a volume, each article has an internal pagination beginning with page 1. In addition, every article has a unique Article Citation ID number which is visible on every page of an article and replaces the page numbers in the citation line.
Submission & Review Policy
Pure and Applicable Analysis (PAA) welcomes original research papers from all countries in the world that have high-quality on all topics related to pure and applicable analysis. Submitted manuscript must be written in English for initial review stage by editors and external review process by at least two international reviewers.
The manuscript should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the PAA.