Permissive Parenting and Peer Association Among Senior High Students

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Maria Noeleen M. Borbajo
Marsha H. Malbas
Jerald C. Moneva
Mikee B. Gastador


Students do not learn from their mistakes because of too much permissiveness. The permissiveness refers to easy come easy go. Permissiveness at home is showing a willingness to allow the students behaviour that is not necessarily agreeable. Peer influence is an influence on people on their peers resulting to changes in their behaviour, attitude and values positively and negatively. The permissive discipline of the students at home can be influenced from their peers. The type of design used is correlational quantitative design and it determines the correlation/association between two variables which is permissiveness and peer association. The study conducted in a senior high school. The respondents of this study are the Grade 11 and 12 senior high students. The permissiveness and peer association have 10 indicators that made by the researcher. Permissiveness and peer association have a correlation on students. The first variable is permissiveness and the students disagreed that their parents are not permissive at their home. The students strongly agreed to per association students associates with their peers always. Furthermore, the study explained the importance of parent’s permissiveness at home on their children as well as the peers that students always associated. Parents know what is best of their child sometimes they make their own decision towards their children to have a better future. When students get a low grade on academic performance their parents did not tolerate them. Students treat their peers as brother and sisters and they have a strong relationship to each other. In addition, the parents have a important role in enhancing, improving and guiding their child to have a better future. And the students peer as a supporter and advisers to their problem.

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